Tomorrow, what place for humanity?

A real question mark over our future. Some claim that artificial intelligence will sound the death knell of civilization, while others prophesy that transhumanism will offer us eternal life, by “augmenting” us both physically and mentally.Others assert that digital technology will solve all our ills.

Far from philosophical speculations, in this space we offer you articles (written by humans) that articulate our forward-looking vision of tomorrow’s world, centered on the major transformations of major socio-economic sectors such as banking, insurance, telecommunications, GAFAM, digital, artificial intelligence, etc….

How will traditional businesses adapt? What new business models will redefine these sectors? How will these transformations impact employment, social equity and the general state of the world? Our experts share their views with you.

This space is also a call to action. Understanding the changes underway is essential, but the aim is also to collaborate on your projects to develop pragmatic, relevant solutions together, whether you’re a professional in the sector, a public authority or an NGO. We look forward to hearing from you!